Finding Balance

Finding Balance

Posted by Objects and Finds on

I definitely identify as someone who tries to take on more than I should, I know what it’s like to juggle many responsibilities.

Keeping up with all the jobs life throws our way; for me that’s growing my brand, sourcing, designing and curating for the store, with my business I juggle all the responsibilities from sales to marketing - along with juggling home life, family, relationships, and self-care often feels like a never-ending race.

Balance is a topic constantly on my mind, something I strive for in my life, but it can be hard to feel balanced.

Trying to find the balance that keeps me calm and centered is a never-ending goal. Balance is something different for everyone, yet most of us are seeking it in some way or another. When you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed out, balance seems like the ultimate goal.

I wanted to share some tips to create balance and to identify what self-help we can do to carve time for ourselves.


1. Define what balance means for you.

Balance feels different for all of us depending on our responsibilities, relationships, hobbies and jobs. Taking the time to identify our priorities helps give clarity to what matters most. Create time to journal your thoughts around balance. I love to put pen to paper and write lists, so this excerise is helpful to focus on what balance means to you and how to focus your time around what matters to you.

2. Create order and self discipline.

Self-discipline creates a sense of calm and balance, it's one of the best tools to help you feel on top of things. Avoid procrastinating and not following through with things. This only makes us feel overwhelmed, guilty and totally unbalanced. Set your own personal priorities and personal boundaries - to create time for yourself.

3. Plan ahead.

Avoid feeling overwhelmed by planning out the details of your day or week or month, its easy to feel pressure by everything you have to do. Planning is a way to ensure that you can take care of life and work, and take care of yourself. Planning will help create balance, outline time for projects to work on, social/relationship time and self care.

4. Take care of yourself.

With everything you might be juggling (work, relationships, home life, etc.), the most important thing is to make time for is yourself. If you aren’t taking time to do what fills your soul away from your responsibilities, balance will always seem out of reach. Create time for self-care into your day or week to give you the balance, schedule time for you!

I hope these tips help you identify areas of your life where you can make some positive changes. Create more time for yourself and what’s important for you. I’ve shared some of my personal favourites from the store to benefit your self-care moments.

Offering Incense Holder - White

Haze Candle

Pelegrims Hand Pomade

Wood Bath Soak

Calm Towel to Go

Chun Tian Candle

Stoneware Cloud Mug


 We've put together an edit from our collections of our favourite tools to help find balance - take a browse through our Finding Balance collection here

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